25 February 2013


 Das ist eine so vollkommen andere Welt. 

23 February 2013


Indes wie blasser Kinder Todesreigen
Um dunkle Brunnenränder, die verwittern, 
im Wind sich fröstelnd blaue Astern neigen. 
Georg Trakl: Verfall

20 February 2013

a day off

i didn't went to school today.
just because i didn't feel like seeing all those people, all those faces.
instead i went to the libary and had some lecture of gerhard richter. he's a quite interesting painter. i admire his protraits a lot, but i never knew that he draws them after photos. i found it surprising to see that my favorite work shows a girl that was murdered and richter found her photo in the newspaper one day and painted her afterwards.
because i needed coffee - my weariness is overwhelming at the moment - i decided to get some at the coffeshop. i sat there, burnt my tongue and watched people passing by.
i sat next to a woman and somehow we talked to each other, but not with words with glances.
outside the shop was a clump of people, smoking. the dust of their cigarettes faded away so quickly, just as the toughts and emotions the smoker blew out with it.
i asked the woman if we could do that again but sadly she was a passenger.

16 February 2013

your monster is as big as mine.

i'm waiting. 

09 February 2013

king & lionheart

eigentlich sollten das schönere bilder werden. aber die sind mit liebe gemacht, also ist das auch ok.

04 February 2013

rest in the bed of my bones.

ich bin müde. 
und ich finde mich gerade voll schön, 
aber niemand sieht mich. 
ich will tee. 
ich flieg nach ägypten,

01 February 2013


megafettvollgefressen. so wie immer.
wenn einer von euch mal bock hat, machen wir das zusammen. es gibt nichts schöneres.